“If management is about running the business, governance is about seeing that it is run properly.”
Governance Consulting
At MJSP, our governance consulting services include advice and support in establishing Board and Corporate Governance processes such as:
Establishing and maintaining Boards;
Board practices and protocols including performance monitoring, role clarification and evaluation and Board review; and
Review and development of Constitution and Rules.
Our team can assist with governance workshops, board training, reviews and resources:

Board of Directors Advisory Service
MJSP can provide an organisation with immediate telephone or email advice relating to general governance issues, or any of the policies contained in the Board of Directors Governance Procedure Manual. This service includes:
Access by the organisation’s Chairperson, CEO and Board Members to a dedicated MJSP Partner with specialist knowledge and experience in the provision of governance consulting and advice;
Telephone or email advice on all governance matters, including interpretation or application of the Constitution and Rules, as well as policies within the Board Procedure Manual. For example:
- Performance Management;
- Delegations of Authority;
- Conflict of Interest
Quick turnaround time on any call / email.
Board of Directors Performance Review
As part of our governance consulting services, MJSP can assist with the development and implementation of a Board of Directors Performance Planning and Review Process. This initiative provides the Board with clear expectations on performance and an agreed process to review performance and set goals for the planning period.
Board of Directors Governance Procedure Manual
The Board of Directors Governance Procedure Manual provides the Board, its Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer with a set of agreed policies and procedures to assist in establishing a governance framework and guidelines for effectively managing the authority, operations and delegations of the Board. The manual provides the Board with operational procedures that bring its Constitution and Rules into practical execution.
Board of Directors Companion
The role and scope of accountabilities for Boards have increased dramatically over the last five (5) years or so. With greater scrutiny on Directors and with organisations growing much larger, Directors are expected to do more with less.
The adoption of a ‘Board Companion’ concept and service framework provides Boards with a cost effective resource to assist in managing this dynamic. The appointment of a qualified, experienced and independent Board Companion provides Boards with the resource or resources to fulfill their growing and / or emerging responsibilities.
Governance Workshops
MJSP have developed a number of half and full day governance workshops (and related services) on a range of Boards of Directors Governance issues, including:
Developing a new Constitution and Rules;
Introduction to Good Governance;
Managing Conflict and Internal Dispute Resolution;
Delegations of Authority;
Strategic Planning;
Roles of Board Members;
Implementing a Board Procedure Manual;
Board Performance Review;
Board Member Induction Program;
CEO Performance Management and Evaluation;
Board Meeting Procedure and Management;
Role of CEO and Relationship to the Board; and
Conflicts of Interest and Fiduciary Responsibility.
CEO Performance Review
CEO Performance Planning and Review provides a periodic structured discussion between the Board of Directors and the CEO about performance. The process facilitates the formal setting of targets and goals with the foundation being the organisation’s strategic planning framework.
Governance Consulting Services Packages
We understand that every business has different needs when it comes to Governance. So we’ve bundled up some of our most requested packages to help you make sure your business is covered when it comes to the style of Governance your organisation needs.
Executive Package
Provision of Board of Directors Secretarial Service
Attendance at monthly Board of Directors Meetings
Drafting and distribution of meeting Minutes
Management of Board of Directors Events Calendar
Co-ordination of Annual General Meeting
Facilitation of CEO Performance Review Process and Remuneration Benchmarking Report
Board of Directors Induction Workshop
Premium Package
Provision of Governance Manual
Facilitation of CEO Performance Review Process and Remuneration Benchmarking Report
Facilitation of two (2) Board of Directors Workshops
On-Call Advisory Service to Board of Directors Executive
Board of Directors Induction Workshop
Standard Package
Provision of Governance Manual
On-Call Advisory Services to Board of Directors Executive
Board of Directors Induction Workshop
Starting from: $1’900/month
Starting from: $1’500/month
Starting from: $500/month