8 Benefits of EAP Programs

An EAP - or Employee Assistance Program - is a program offered by a workplace or organisation to their employees.

The aim is to assist employees with resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting their health and wellness, or even their work performance, such as workplace conflict, family or relationship problems, mental health struggles, financial woes, legal concerns, and drug or alcohol issues. Organisations will often extend the EAP to both the employee and his/her family to participate in.

Why Offer an EAP Program to Staff?

If your organisation does not already offer an EAP service to your employees, here are some of the benefits:

IMPROVED PRODUCTIVITY: When an employee is dealing with personal issues, family problems or substance abuse, the result is often a drop in productivity at work. Through accessing your EAP program, an employee is provided with prevention techniques, assessment protocols and health management services. While helping your employees deal with life’s ups and downs, you are also ensuring effective company growth and development.

REDUCED COMPANY COSTS: EAPs are designed to reduce the impact that social, psychological, or physical problems have on the employee in order to reduce the financial impact on the company, through poor or under performance.

INCREASED MORALE AND WORKPLACE HARMONY: A happy and healthy employee is a productive and effective one. EAPs ensure that your employees are well taken care of as individuals, so that they can perform as part of your team. The added advantage here is that the employees know that the company supports them, therefore they feel a connection to the work they are doing and are more committed to achieving the desirable results.

REDUCED ABSENTEEISM: EAPs reduce the amount of time employees take off work, by providing them with a range of prevention and treatment options. In the event that time off work is required, the amount of time is greatly reduced, and the employee is able to return to work with renewed strength.

REDUCED TURNOVER: EAPs effectively reduce the turnover of employees by managing work related and personal stress. EAPs improve the working environment in terms of morale and company support, ensuring employees are well looked after, so that they are less likely to leave their jobs.

REDUCED ACCIDENTS AT WORK: It is easy to see how accidents can happen at work when you’re stressed. A person suffering from stress-related symptoms will often experience difficulty with concentration, mental focus, and physical function. One of the benefits of an EAP program is that it is a way of caring for the mental health and ability of your employees, ensuring that they are able to function at the required level.

RESOLUTION OF WORK-RELATED PROBLEMS: Problems within the working environment lead to absenteeism, high turnover, and low morale. By accessing an EAP service, employees develop strategies for coping with work related conflict and stress, as well as external stress.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: One of the great things about an EAP is they are able to connect employees directly with relevant professional services. This means that your employees are getting the help they need dealing with and averting crisis situations.

Dual Benefits of Employee Assistance Programs

Having an EAP program means that your employees benefit from having 24/7 professional support from registered psychologists and counsellors when required.

It is also of benefit to your organisation as it assists in increasing productivity; retaining valuable, trained employees; reducing accidents, and addressing issues related to turnover and staff issues.

As part of our HR and Corporate Health and Wellbeing services, MJSP Management Consulting has an established EAP service. Contact us today to find out how you can provide your employees (and their families) with access to this confidential support for any matter that is impacting on their professional life.


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